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    Top 3 Things Brands Can Do to Prepare for the 2021 Holiday Season

    Well, that came quickly! The holidays are already on everyone’s minds, especially with concerns over supply chain interruptions and product shortages. As a brand or retailer, it’s important that you’re being proactive and planning ahead. The pandemic has changed the way people discover, shop and buy products, so you need to be ready to meet …

    Semantic Search – The Missing Piece to Ranking on Google

    As the search engines evolve, marketers must become more creative and innovative. One way to do this is by understanding user intent and the semantics behind Google searches. The search engines use machine learning to understand what people are searching for and then provide them with the most relevant content. Let’s take a look at …

    Customer Retention Strategies Worth Their Weight in Gold

    Walt Disney once famously said, “A man should never neglect his family for business.” The wisdom of this quote still rings true today. When we neglect those we love, it is ugly, hurtful and costly. Neglect virtually always leads to regret. And it is just as damaging when we neglect our loyal customers. Consider how …

    5 Tips for a Successful Brand Awareness Campaign

    When you’re a new or young business, introducing your products and services to a wide range of people can be challenging. Even though you can leverage the internet, it’s still competitive and hard to get noticed. This is why you need clearly defined goals and the appropriate campaigns. A brand awareness campaign aims to improve …

    November, 2021 | KBDC, Inc.